Monday, October 10, 2011

Like a little child

Several weeks ago my son Titus had a nightmare.  Imprinted in my memory is the image of a mostly-asleep, stumbling toddler SCREAMING and RUNNING full-tilt in the dark through the open doorway to his parent's room and into my arms.

Yesterday, the whole family went for a hike on what may possibly have been the most beautiful day of Fall 2011.  While the rules about hand-holding are strictly enforced on our city sidewalks, there is no expectation of hand-holding while in the woods.  However, I found as we walked along that both boys instinctively reached up warm chubby hands to be gripped in mine as we walked and talked and looked.

This is trust.  Instinctive.  Freely given, unforced. 

As much as I fail as a mother, my sons trust me.  They run into my arms when terrified and reach for me when happy.  They give it not a thought.

Jesus said:
"Let the little children come to me,
and do not hinder them, 
for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.
I tell you the truth,
anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God
like a little child
will never enter it."
Mark 10:14-15 

Father, please teach me to trust you like a child.  To understand your love so completely that I instinctively run to You, reach for You.  Amen.


  1. Wonderful pictures of God's love and care for us in the everyday and commonplace that occurs with our precious little ones. I'm so grateful that God has entrusted the care of these little ones into yours and Matt's loving hands.

  2. "As much as I fail as a mother, my sons trust me. They run into my arms when terrified and reach for me when happy. They give it not a thought."

    This is so beautiful. :') I love that this is part of motherhood - despite failings, our little ones still come to us in need.
