Finish this sentence:
The world is full of _________________.
I don't know how you would fill in the blank, but these are some of the first answers that come to my mind.
But I learned something last night:
"The world is full of his (God's) loving-kindness."
That's straight from the Bible, folks (Ps 33:5b), one of the most brutally honest books I've ever read. It doesn't sugar coat. This is the book that says things like: "all our righteous acts are like filthy rags" (Is 64:6) and "In this world you will have trouble" (Jn 16:33).
Today, I choose to BELIEVE and to SEE that the world is full of God's loving-kindness. I choose to look for loving-kindness instead of sorrow and hardship and evil; those things are easy enough for me to spot. Here's where I saw His loving-kindness to me today:
- an answered prayer for uninterrupted sleep (no kitty scratching at the bedroom door, no middle-of-the-night cries for water, or tuck-ins, or a lost stuffed animal)
- an early wake-up from God with time to pray and read (a novel!) and doze all before getting out of bed
- this sentence from my son (it just kept going and going): "I think I saw an orange banana outside last night when I went for a walk with Daddy. (pause) It was squished."
- a request for peas as the topping on a boy's english muffin pizza... and he ate it! This made me smile so much!
- the knowledge that people are praying for us, and a very real experience of God's gracious answers to those prayers: joy, peace, contentment, freedom from fear and loneliness.
May your unfailing love rest upon us,
O Lord,
even as we put our hope in you.
Ps 33:22
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